Thursday, September 22, 2011


My final draft compared to my first draft isn't that different. Most of the essay is worded the same. I did change a few minor grammatical errors as well as add in a few more details. The structure of the paper has also stayed the same because it is mostly in chronological order. I did read through it a few times and there were not that many mistakes. Just simple spelling errors and some run-on sentences was all I could find that needed to be changed. I think the problem that I had writing this paper was that I let it flow onto the page. During my first draft the words I chose came out naturally and they fit well. My issue was that even though the words sounded good when I was reading the paper aloud, the formation of sentences did not fit right into the paper. The biggest help in writing my final draft was the peer review we worked on in class. As I read the comments back to me I noticed what needed to be changed. The feedback given was mainly on grammatical mistakes and not so much as how the story was told. This gave me reassurance because I did not think that my essay was really good to begin with. My strongest part of the essay would definitely be my description. I used very specific details throughout the story which I think gives the reader a strong visual of what happened. My weakest was having the little grammar mistakes throughout the paper. If I had no peer review I think some of them would have slipped by me.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Difference In Grades

 When writing a paper there are a few factors that would make the difference in grades. Repetition of words, clear descriptions, and how the parts of the paper are put in order can make the difference between the letter grades of an "A" or a "C".

Repetition of words is a key aspect to writing a good paper. It is important to NOT use the same words over and over because this can make a paper boring. This repetition of words will loose the audience due to their lack of interest in the paper. You want to spice up the paper and keep it interesting by switching up the vocabulary you use throughout the paper. This will make the paper more interesting/enjoyable to the reader. This part is hardest for me because sometimes I feel like I have used all of my brain power and then I'll notice that many words are the same and it takes me a long time in order to find other words that still do the same job as the word used repeatedly.

Having clear descriptions in your paper is necessary in order for it to get a good grade. If everything in the essay is described by words such as "good" or "hard" then it will not be receiving an A grade. It would be better to have words like "wonderful" or "difficult" then those simple boring words. Also with more clear description the audience will like the essay more and they will be able to understand the essay more. If the essay is enjoyable and easy to understand then it is likely to receive a higher grade. This is my strong point. I  always try to paint a picture with words(I know it sounds cliche). That's how my 4th grade teacher taught me how to write and that's how I've been doing it since. So far it has worked out pretty good.

Along with word repetition and clear description comes with how the paper is put together. Having a paper make no sense to the audience would be a major problem. Depending on where the paragraph is placed in a paper it can save a lot of time and explanation. If all of the paragraphs are put in their ideal places then the essay should make sense to the audience. If the essay is totally out of order then it would be very difficult for the audience to understand.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Generating Ideas.

As a child my mom would always read to me the famous Cat In The Hat by Dr. Seuss. This was the first book I could remember being read to me and actually understanding it. When my mom read this book to me it really got my imagination moving as a little kid. I used to talk to my fish for hours hoping that it would answer back. This book gave me hours of endless joy using just my imagination. This example is good to use because it is very easy to relate to as most people have read this book as a child. On the other hand it might be difficult to write about because I don't remember much of what I did specifically just what my mother told me. When I was twelve years old I started to practice for my Bar Mitzvah. This involved an immense amount of reading as well as writing. Everyday for at least an hour I would practice for that one day. I like this example because it shows how reading and writing are very important while studying. This helped me with my study skills as well. On the down side I did not really enjoy all the work so I don't know if its worth writing about. My last Idea is about The Great Gatsby. I like this idea because this was the first book that I honestly really enjoyed reading. What I liked about it was all of the underlying ideas beyond the text. That book made me think more then any other book I've read. I think its a good idea to write about because it's one of my favorite books that I can have a conversation about.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Why I am taking english 101

To some people, English 101 is a required course and nothing more. There is nothing wrong with that but I know that I am definitely trying to get something more out of this class. To me this class is where I can improve my writing skills to help me in my future classes. I want this class to help improve my skills when it comes to writing papers as well as on essay type questions on any exams I might take. Also I am hoping for this class to help me out a lot with improving my writing process so that I can become a more focused writer. Normally my writing doesn't just pop out of my head but I have a couple of ideas before I start. To me the hardest part is taking those ideas and organizing them in a way that makes sense to the audience. Another thing is taking those ideas that I come up with and make sure they are written to support each other. Those are the main things that I am looking for when I take this class over the next couple of months. I am sure along the way there will still be some other interesting things that I learn/can use as well. If I get what I am looking for out of this class then I will be satisfied and I know that the everything learned will not go to waste because I will use this information for the rest of my life.