Thursday, September 22, 2011


My final draft compared to my first draft isn't that different. Most of the essay is worded the same. I did change a few minor grammatical errors as well as add in a few more details. The structure of the paper has also stayed the same because it is mostly in chronological order. I did read through it a few times and there were not that many mistakes. Just simple spelling errors and some run-on sentences was all I could find that needed to be changed. I think the problem that I had writing this paper was that I let it flow onto the page. During my first draft the words I chose came out naturally and they fit well. My issue was that even though the words sounded good when I was reading the paper aloud, the formation of sentences did not fit right into the paper. The biggest help in writing my final draft was the peer review we worked on in class. As I read the comments back to me I noticed what needed to be changed. The feedback given was mainly on grammatical mistakes and not so much as how the story was told. This gave me reassurance because I did not think that my essay was really good to begin with. My strongest part of the essay would definitely be my description. I used very specific details throughout the story which I think gives the reader a strong visual of what happened. My weakest was having the little grammar mistakes throughout the paper. If I had no peer review I think some of them would have slipped by me.

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