Thursday, September 8, 2011

Generating Ideas.

As a child my mom would always read to me the famous Cat In The Hat by Dr. Seuss. This was the first book I could remember being read to me and actually understanding it. When my mom read this book to me it really got my imagination moving as a little kid. I used to talk to my fish for hours hoping that it would answer back. This book gave me hours of endless joy using just my imagination. This example is good to use because it is very easy to relate to as most people have read this book as a child. On the other hand it might be difficult to write about because I don't remember much of what I did specifically just what my mother told me. When I was twelve years old I started to practice for my Bar Mitzvah. This involved an immense amount of reading as well as writing. Everyday for at least an hour I would practice for that one day. I like this example because it shows how reading and writing are very important while studying. This helped me with my study skills as well. On the down side I did not really enjoy all the work so I don't know if its worth writing about. My last Idea is about The Great Gatsby. I like this idea because this was the first book that I honestly really enjoyed reading. What I liked about it was all of the underlying ideas beyond the text. That book made me think more then any other book I've read. I think its a good idea to write about because it's one of my favorite books that I can have a conversation about.

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